persons Mammucca della Torre, Marcantonio

General Info | TEI

Name Mammucca della Torre, Marcantonio
Alternative Names
ID 19263
Gender male
Lifespan - 1708
Professions Dolmetscher
  • QHOD
  • Dolmetscher
  • Uri(s)
    Notes A descendant of the Borisi dynasty of interpreters, he was also related through his wife to the Tarsia family, who also produced a number of distinguished interpreters. He was recruited by resident envoy Simon Reniger as an utmost talented apprentice interpreter and became later an embassy interpreter mainly in Constantinople. He served with the residents in Vienna and Constantinople until the Great Turkish War. During the war he participated in information gathering both at the front and in Constantinople. He was appointed chief interpreter, councilor of the War Council and was given the title of a Count of the Holy Roman Empire by Leopold I. His two sons were also interpreters for eastern languages in Habsburg service.
    References E. Natalie ROTHMAN: The The Dragoman Renaissance: Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism. Ithaca, 2021; Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228; Vincenzio Giulio LODI: L’Immortalita del cavalier Marc Antonio Mamuca della Torre, conte del Sac. Rom. Imp. consigliere attuale di guerra die sua M. Ces. etc. descritta, consecrata alla Sac. Ces. e Real Maesta di Leopoldo I. Vienna, 1701. Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.



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