persons Cleronome, Giorgio

General Info | TEI

Name Cleronome, Giorgio
Alternative Names
ID 19112
Gender male
Lifespan - 1699
Professions Dolmetscher
  • QHOD
  • Dolmetscher
  • Uri(s)
    Notes He joined the apprentice interpreters of resident envoy Simon Reniger as Nikousios Panagotis’ protégé in the early 1660s. He served mainly in Constantinople at the Habsburg permanent embassy, but also received minor assignments in Vienna. After 1663 he served as a fully accredited imperial interpreter at the house of the resident envoy in Constantinople. During the Great Turkish War, he performed spy service at the Sultan’s residence, staying in the house of the Dutch resident envoy.
    References Dóra KEREKES: Egy császári tolmács megfigyelései. Giorgio Cleronome magyarországi utazása 1664-ben. In: Lymbus – magyarságtudományi forrásközlemények (2004), 71–77. Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228. Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.



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