General Info | TEI

Titel Wien
  • alternative name: Wiedeń (Wien)
  • alternative name: Vienne (Österreich)
  • alternative name: Vídeň
  • alternative name: Biennē
  • alternative name: Kaiserlich-Königliche Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien
  • alternative name: Bundesunmittelbare Stadt Wien
  • alternative name: Dunaj
  • alternative name: Reichsgau Wien
  • alternative name: Beč
  • alternative name: Bundesland Wien
  • alternative name: Wīn
  • alternative name: Viedeň
  • alternative name: Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien
  • alternative name: Vienna
  • alternative name: Vjenë
  • alternative name: Wienna
  • alternative name: Vin
  • alternative name: Vienna (Austriae)
  • alternative name: Vienna Pannoniae
  • alternative name: Bécs
  • alternative name: Vindobona
  • alternative name: Wenia
  • alternative name: Vienna Fluviorum
  • alternative name: Vindobona (Wien)
  • alternative name: Land Wien
  • alternative name: K.K. Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien
  • alternative name: Vinna
  • alternative name: Viena
  • alternative name: Gemeinde Wien
  • alternative name: Bundeshauptstadt Wien
  • alternative name: Wienn
  • alternative name: Stadt Wien
  • alternative name: Vena
  • alternative name: Viennē
  • alternative name: Vienne
  • original mpr regest label: Wien
  • mpr reference: [II/1] / 23
  • mpr reference: [IV/2] /
  • mpr reference: [II/2] / 186
  • alternative name: Vienna
  • mpr reference: [II/1] / XIII,8,20,151,185,206,226,417,591
  • mpr reference: [I] / 53,105,154,220f.,267,269f.,279,328,343,360,527,533
  • mpr reference: [IV/1] / LXI,11 ff.
  • mpr reference: [II/3] / 76
  • mpr reference: [II/4] / 74,107 f.,118 f.,152,222,230,306
  • mpr reference: [II/5] / 124,15,41,94
  • mpr reference: [II/2] / 44 f.,52 f.
  • mpr reference: [II/1] / 66,76,232,244,248,271,280,383,523,527,759
  • mpr reference: [III/7] / IX,XIX,328 f.
  • mpr reference: [I] / 210,224f.,230,267,270,279,297,343,373,527,533
  • alternative name: Peč
  • QHOD original text: Beç
  • QHOD original text: Viyana
  • alternative name: theRealVienna
  • ID 13416
    Type None
    Lat/Lng 48.208199 / 16.37169
  • Default import collection
  • MPR auto regest import
  • QHOD
  • Import additional Entities 2-21
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    location of Oberstaatsanwaltschaft, Wien
    location of Statthalterei, Wien
    location of Amt für Volksernährung
    11.11.1918 location of Amt für Volksernährung
    10.08.1918 11.11.1918 location of Ministerium für Volksgesundheit
    27.12.1917 11.11.1918 location of Ministerium für soziale Fürsorge
    19.02.1867 11.11.1918 location of Ackerbauministerium
    19.02.1867 11.11.1918 location of Handelsministerium
    location of Handelsministerium
    1859 1867 location of Ungarische Hofkanzlei


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    (place of birth) Taaffe, Eduard
    (born in) Schalek, Alice
    1860 1871 ist Arbeitsort von Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas
    ist Arbeitsort von Rauscher, Joseph Othmar
    1810-05-21 1810-05-21 (born in) Plener, Ignaz
    1908-02-17 1908-02-17 (died in) Plener, Ignaz
    (place of birth) Maximilian II., römisch-deutscher Kaiser, -
    (place of birth) Karl, Erzherzog von Österreich, -
    (born in) Mahmud
    (place of birth) Wittgenstein, Ludwig


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    (located in) Leopoldstadt
    (located in) Stubentor
    (located in) Graben
    (located in) Kohlmarkt
    (located in) Michaelerkirche
    (located in) Minoritenkloster
    (located in) Hoher Markt
    (located in) Jesuitenkirche


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Viyana QHOD original text tur
    Beç QHOD original text tur
    Vienna Legacy name (merge) deu
    Wien Legacy name (merge) deu
    Wien Legacy name (merge) deu
    Wien Legacy name (merge) deu
    Town of Wien Legacy name (merge) deu
    Wien Legacy name (merge) deu
    [I] / 210,224f.,230,267,270,279,297,343,373,527,533 mpr reference deu
    [III/7] / IX,XIX,328 f. mpr reference deu



    Textsnippet Protokoll