persons Nikousios, Panagiotis

General Info | TEI

Name Nikousios, Panagiotis
Alternative Names
  • alternative name: Nicusio Panaiotti
  • alternative name: Panagiotis Nikousios
  • alternative name: Παναγιώτης Νικούσιος
  • ID 19283
    Gender male
    Lifespan - 1673
    Professions Dolmetscher
  • QHOD
  • Dolmetscher
  • Uri(s)
    Notes After completing his studies in Padua and Constantinople, the talented young man of Greek origin was hired as an interpreter for the Habsburgs’ delegation in Constantinople in 1645. After the death of resident envoy Alexander Greiffenklau, he headed the embassy as interim agent until the arrival of the new resident, Simon Reniger. From the end of the 1660s, he also interpreted for the Porte, and was the first of the Phanariots to be appointed chief interpreter at the Sublime Porte. At the turn of the 1660s, he gained considerable influence in the circles of the sultan and the grand vizier, while also performing important services for the Habsburgs. He died of a stroke in 1673.
    References Gunnar HERING: Panagiotis Nikousios als Dragoman der kaiserlichen Gesandtschaft in Konstantinopel. In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 44 (1994), 143–178; Damien JANOS: Panaiotis Nicousios and Alexander Mavrocordatos: The Rise of the Phanariots and the Office of Grand Dragoman in the Ottoman Administration in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century. In: Archivum Ottomanicum 23 (2005–2006), 177–196; Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.



    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Παναγιώτης Νικούσιος alternative name ell
    Panagiotis Nikousios alternative name en
    Nicusio Panaiotti alternative name deu



    Textsnippet Protokoll