persons Hueber, Bartholomäus

General Info | TEI

Name Hueber, Bartholomäus
Alternative Names
ID 19251
Gender male
Lifespan - 1689
Professions Dolmetscher
  • QHOD
  • Dolmetscher
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Trained by Giovanni Battista Podestà at his seminar for eastern languages, he improved his language competence both in Vienna and Constantinople. He served in the Great Turkish War, and in 1687 he became a fully accredited interpreter and was posted to Siklós. Here he was soon captured by the Tatars. Attempts to ransom him were unsuccessful until 1689, he probably died in captivity.
    References Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228. Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.



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