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Aigner, Joseph Matthäus Wien place of birth
Antonelli, Giacomo Sonnino place of birth
Arndts von Arnesberg, Karl Ludwig Arnsberg place of birth
Mühlbach, Luise Neubrandenburg place of birth
Bakunin, Michael Aleksandrovič Pryamukhino place of birth
Hussarek v. Heinlein, Max Ritter Bratislava place of birth
Hold von Ferneck, Alexander Wien place of birth
von Lauda, Ernst Linz place of birth
Reisch, Richard Wien place of birth
Taaffe, Eduard Wien place of birth
Pacher, Raphael Iserthal place of birth
Tisza, István Pest place of birth
Teleszky, János Oradea place of birth
Popovics, Sándor Pest place of birth
Isabella II., Königin von Spanien Madrid place of birth
Belcredi, Egbert Jimramov place of birth
Resti-Ferrari, Johann Mantua place of birth
Rechbauer, Carl Graz place of birth
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig Rotenburg a. d. Fulda place of birth
Welti, Emil Aarau place of birth
Mecséry, Carl Tabor place of birth
Gołuchowski, Agenor (d. Ä.) Skala-Podol'skaya place of birth
Kiechl, Johann Sarnthein place of birth
Suppan, Joseph Innsbruck place of birth
Wickenburg, Mathias Constantin Korschenbroich-Pesch place of birth

Page total: 25