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"notes": "In 1691, he applies for the position of interpreter vacated by the death of Pantaleone Cleronome, but Mammucca della Torre, who criticizes his application, recommends his own protégé instead. Nevertheless, he was given translating duties in the Aulic War Council. In 1692, at the request of the Dutch ambassador, he accompanied him to the Ottoman Empire. In 1697, he was examined by the chief interpreter Meninsky, who recommended him for another interpreting position with the Saxon corps and later with the Transylvanian corps in the Great Turkish War. In 1698, he unsuccessfully applied for the position of the resident envoy in Constantinople, but at his own request he was allowed to participate in the Habsburg-Ottoman peace negotiations. In 1699, he joined the frontier commission alongside Fernando Marsigli, but in the same year he joined the escort of the Ottoman embassy to Vienna. Later he became resident envoy in Constantinople for two periods, and took part in the peace negotiations in Požarevac.",
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"references": "Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1689, he began his studies of eastern languages at the seminar of Giovanni Battista Podestà, from where he joined the staff of interpreters in 1693. In 1699, he was sent to Constantinople with Count Oettingen’s ambassadorial mission . In the same year, he was assistant interpreter of Fernando Marsigli at the Habsburg-Ottoman border commission. He was appointed interpreter in Petrovaradin in 1707 and died there the following year.",
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"references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1686, he applied for a post as an interpreter in Buda, but was instead assigned to the Bavarian regiments. A year later he served as a field interpreter with the imperial military corps operating in the region of the river Tisza in Hungary. He died as an interpreter of general Federico Ambrosio Veterani in 1692.",
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"status": "apprentice interpreter, imperial interprete for eastern languages",
"references": "Hajnalka TÓTH: Harminc év Habsburg-szolgálatban. Betekintés Johann Adam Lachowitz török tolmács áldozatos munkájába (1678–1709). In: Fons – Forráskutatás és Történeti Segédtudományok. 26 (2019) 1, 41–62; Thirty Years in the Service of the Habsburgs: Insight into the Devoted Work of the Turkish Dragoman (Interpreter) Johann Adam Lachowitz (1678–1709) PRACE HISTORYCZNE: ZESZYTY NAUKOWE UNIWERSITETU JAGEIELLONSKIEGO 148 (2021) 4, 745-767.\r\nDóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1678, as a pupil of the chief interpreter Meninsky, he was appointed to the staff of interpreters and joined the Habsburg embassy in Constantinople to improve his language skills with Podestà and his students. In 1682, he was appointed to the staff of the Aulic War Council as interpreter, replacing Ridolfi di Aleppino, and was assigned to work as an interpreter alongside internuncius Caprara. In 1683, he was appointed to Charles V of Lorraine and served as a field interpreter in the Ottoman wars, but suffered a nervous breakdown at the siege of Buda and was reinstated in Vienna. From 1688, he was involved in the negotiations for the Habsburg-Ottoman peace treaties, and later interpreted for Oettingen’s embassy at the Sublime Porte. In 1699, he unsuccessfully applied for the post of resident envoy, and was instead appointed secretary of the eastern languages in Vienna.",
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"notes": "In 1665, he was accepted as an apprentice, and travelled with the Habsburg grand ambassador Walter Leslie to the Sublime Porte. On his return to Vienna, dissatisfied with his education, he asked to be sent back to Constantinople in vain, and finally resigned.",
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"references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÁKI: Language Students and Interpreters at the Mid-seventeenth-century Habsburg Embassy in Constantinople. In: Theatrum Historiae 19 (2016), 27–44.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1644, he joined the group of apprentice interpreters in Constantinople, but left the imperial service soon and converted to Islam. Around 1650, he returned to the Habsburg Monarchy and became a Christian again. From 1652 he was assistant interpreter in Győr and later in Komárom.",
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"status": "apprentice interpreter, Turkish courier",
"references": "János SZABADOS: Habsburg-Ottoman Communication in the Mid-17th-Century – The Death of Imperial Courier Johann Dietz. A Case Study. In: Osmanli Arastilmalari / Journal of Ottoman Studies 54 (2019) 2, 119–140.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1625, he began his Turkish language studies in Constantinople at the empreror’s expense, in 1627, he was mentioned as a subordinate of resident envoy Lustrier. In 1630 he was certainly a “Turkish courier\", since then the most frequently employed and experienced courier of the Aulic War Council on the Vienna-Constantinople route.",
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"start_date_written": "1590",
"end_date_written": "1665",
"status": "imperial interpreter for eastern languages (türkisch Dolmetsch), chief interpreter (Oberdolmetscher)",
"references": "Alastair HAMILTON: Michel D’Asquier, Imperial Interpreter and Bibliophile. In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 72 (2009), 237–241.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1617, he came into contact with the Aulic War Council as a French-born interpreter for eastern languages in the private service of Habsburg's Ottoman expert Cesare Gallo. He was interpreter, chief interpreter and then expert-adviser at the Viennese War Council. During his almost half a century of service, he became one of the Habsburg Monarchy’s foremost experts on the East, carrying out numerous individual diplomatic missions to Constantinople, the court of the pasha of Buda while he also participated several times in Habsburg-Ottoman peace negotiations. He was involved in the drafting of the Peace of Komárom (1618), the Peace of Gyarmat (1625), the First and Second Peace of Szőny (1627, 1641), and the Peace of Istanbul (1649/1650). He died and was buried in Vienna in 1664.",
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"notes": "In 1612, he succeeded Melchior Schröder ad interpreter for eastern languages in the Aulic War Council. He was assigned to smaller missions to accompany Ottoman envoys from and to the Ottoman governor-general of Buda. In addition to his interpreting duties, he is regularly mentioned as a scribe for the War Council.",
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"references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1601, he was hired to replace Hieronymus Nagy as interpreter in Győr, and in addition to his duties as interpreter for the Aulic War Council, he regularly escorted Ottoman delegations and participated in prisoner exchanges. He interpreted at the border commission concerning the status of villages that had not been settled in the Peace of Zsitvatorok and was also employed as a Turkish courier to Buda and Constantinople. In 1611, he asked to be dismissed from his post of interpreter and he became customs (tricesima) collector.",
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"references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "In 1596, while still a child, he was captured and taken to general Adolf Schwarzenberg, who baptized him, trained him as an interpreter and recommended him for imperial service. He was assistant interpreter from 1600, and from 1611 fully accredited interpreter at the fortress of Győr. In addition to interpreting and translating, his duties included escorting Ottoman envoys, and he also participated in several peace negotiations and the drafting of peace treaties. In 1628, with the permission of the captain-general of Győr, he joined the embassies of Johann Ludwig Kuefstein. Similarly, he worked as interpreter for Johann Rudolf Puchheim during his 1633–34 mission to the Sublime Porte. He died in Győr on the 30th of October 1642.",
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"notes": "Im Sinne und als Folge des Kompromisses, der zwischen dem Kaiser und dem wiederhergestellten Ministerrat zustandegekommen war318, verzichtete Belcredi wieder auf die eigene Kanzlei. Er erklärte, für die Geschäfte dieser Kanzlei im Präsidialbüro des Staatsministeriums genügend verfügbare und brauchbare Kräfte zu besitzen, und beantragte die Auflösung der Kanzlei319. Wieder verfügte der Ministerrat wie unter Buol die Ministerkonferenz nur über drei Beamte: die beiden Protokollführer Hofrat Ritter v. Schurda und Alfred Hueber und den Konzipisten Anton Klaps. Aber selbst für diesen Personalstand war angeblich „die Beschäftigung oft eine geringe“. Und um diese Kräfte nicht „kürzere oder längere Zeit brachliegen zu lassen“, sah sich Belcredi veranlaßt, ihre Verwendung in der Präsidialabteilung des Staatsministeriums zu empfehlen320. Die drei Beamten blieben zwar im Status des Ministerrats, wurden aber gleichzeitig im Staatsministerium beschäftigt. Es müssen aber noch andere Motive als diejenigen, die Belcredi vorbrachte, bei dieser abermaligen Auflösung eine Rolle gespielt haben. Wenn es nur darauf angekommen wäre, den drei Beamten genügend Arbeit zu verschaffen, dann wäre es doch wohl nicht notwendig gewesen,",
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"references": "\r\n\r\n\"Deutschösterreich 1918/19\r\nStaatsrat als Regierungs- und Vollzugsgewalt\r\n\r\nIn den letzten Tagen des Ersten Weltkriegs wurde in Deutschösterreich am 30. Oktober 1918 ein Staatsrat als Regierungs- und Vollzugsgewalt der Provisorischen Nationalversammlung eingesetzt.[2] Das Kollegialorgan bestand aus Franz Dinghofer, Johann Nepomuk Hauser (er hatte am gleichen Tag den als Präsident zurückgetretenen Jodok Fink abgelöst) und Karl Seitz, den drei gleichberechtigten Präsidenten der Nationalversammlung, die die drei führenden politischen Parteien repräsentierten, und 20 weiteren, von der Nationalversammlung gewählten Mitgliedern.\r\n\r\nEin Mitglied hatte als Staatsnotar die Ausfertigungen des Staatsrates zu beurkunden. Es hatte hierbei jedoch nur die ordnungsgemäße Abwicklung des jeweiligen Staatsaktes zu beglaubigen, nicht eine ggf. aus politischen Gründen verweigerbare Gegenzeichnung zu leisten.[3]\r\n\r\nDie drei Präsidenten der Nationalversammlung, der Leiter der Kanzlei (Staatskanzler Karl Renner) und der Staatsnotar bildeten das geschäftsführende Staatsratsdirektorium.\r\n\r\nDer Staatsrat wählte am 30. Oktober 1918 die Staatsregierung Renner I. Mit 12. November 1918 übernahm er provisorisch alle staatsrechtlichen Funktionen des Kaisers.[4] Am 3. März 1919 betraute er die Staatsregierung nach ihrer Demission mit der Weiterführung der Geschäfte bis zur Wahl der Staatsregierung Renner II durch die Konstituierende Nationalversammlung am 15. März 1919. Der Staatsrat bestellte weiters u. a. den ersten Präsidenten des am 25. Jänner 1919 neu gegründeten Verfassungsgerichtshofs, Paul Vittorelli, und den ersten Präsidenten des am 6. Februar 1919 neu geschaffenen deutschösterreichischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofs, Karl Grabmayr.\r\nStaatsregierung\r\n\r\nDer Staatsrat übte seine Vollzugsgewalt durch Beauftragte aus, die gemeinsam die Staatsregierung bildeten, den Titel Staatssekretär trugen und vom Staatskanzler koordiniert wurden. Sie leiteten die Staatsämter (=Ministerien), oft in direkter Nachfolge von Ministerien der Monarchie. Das Staatsamt des Äußern hatte z. B. die Agenden des k.u.k. Ministeriums des Äußern zu übernehmen (erster Staatssekretär war der schon am 11. November 1918 verstorbene Victor Adler), das Staatsamt für Heerwesen die Agenden des k.u.k. Kriegsministeriums und des k.k. Landesverteidigungsministeriums, das Staatsamt für Verkehrswesen die Agenden des k.k. Eisenbahnministeriums (siehe Staatsregierung Renner I).\r\n\r\nDen Staatssekretären (=Ministern) konnten Unterstaatssekretäre als politische Assistenten zugeteilt werden.\r\nEnde des Staatsrates\r\n\r\nMit dem Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes über die Staatsregierung vom 14. März 1919[5] wurden Staatsrat und Staatsratsdirektorium am 15. März 1919 ebenso wie der Staatsnotar abgeschafft. Die Funktionen des Staatsoberhauptes gingen bis zum 9. Dezember 1920 auf den Präsidenten der Konstituierenden Nationalversammlung, Karl Seitz, über. Die anderen Funktionen des Staatsrates wurden von der Staatsregierung bzw. vom neu eingeführten, ständigen Hauptausschuss der Nationalversammlung übernommen.\r\n\r\nDie Funktionen des Staatsoberhauptes übernahm am 9. Dezember 1920 der an diesem Tag auf Grund des am 1. Oktober 1920 von der Nationalversammlung beschlossenen Bundes-Verfassungsgesetzes von der Bundesversammlung (Nationalrat und Bundesrat) gewählte erste Bundespräsident Österreichs, Michael Hainisch. \"",
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"notes": "Hermann Czernin, grand ambassador of the Habsburgs, hired him temporarily as interpreter for his mission to the Sublime Porte in 1616-1617, he was contracted in Constantinople.",
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"notes": "He was transferred from the Transylvanian princely chancellery to the service of the archbishop of Eger (Erlau), István Szuhay , where he assisted him in the peace negotiations during the last years of the Long Turkish War. In 1604, he joined the corps of the Habsburgs’ eastern interpreters and served for a longer period in Prague and Vienna. In addition to his activities as translator and interpreter, he regularly escorted Ottoman delegations and carried out minor missions at the court of the pasha of Buda. He was involved in the correction procedures of the Peace of Zsitvatorok and the Peace of Komárom.",
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"notes": "He was recruited by resident envoy Michael Starzer as an assistant interpreter in 1615, but died of the plague a few weeks later.",
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"notes": "He was recruited as fully trained interpreter from the Venetians and served both in Vienna and Graz. His conflicts, and in particular the alleged threat from the Venetian ambassador, prompted him to ask for his dismissal.",
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"status": "imperial interpreter for eastern languages",
"references": "Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "He was recruited as an interpreter for the Bavarian regiments in 1686, although the Aulic War Council was concerned about his French origins. In the same year, he was transferred to Buda to replace Johann Adam Lachowitz, who had been recalled due to illness. In 1688, he was registered as a fully accredited War Council interpreter, his last known place of service being Székesfehérvár.",
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"id": 5105,
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"id": 19269,
"name": "Marianovich",
"review": false,
"start_date": null,
"start_start_date": null,
"start_end_date": null,
"end_date": "1680-07-01",
"end_start_date": "1680-01-01",
"end_end_date": "1680-12-31",
"start_date_written": null,
"end_date_written": "1680",
"status": "imperial interpreter for eastern languages",
"references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "He was probably a spy of Bosnian origin who served already as a “Turkish” courier in the diplomatic mission of Hermann Czernin in 1644. In 1652, he applied to the War Council as an interpreter for eastern languages, where he was employed in a dual capacity as a courier and interpreter. In 1657, he was entrusted with the embassy to the Cossacks together with the archbishop Petrus Parčević. Based on his connections to Bosnia, he was recommended by the President of the Aulic War Council, Annibale Gonzaga for the title of the bishop of Bosnia in 1660. In 1657 Ferdinand III granted him the title of procurator of the Kingdom of Bosnia, confirmed in 1671.",
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"id": 5204,
"label": "ID: 5204",
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"id": 17,
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"id": 18,
"label": "Dolmetscher",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"id": 19109,
"name": "Boringer",
"review": false,
"start_date": null,
"start_start_date": null,
"start_end_date": null,
"end_date": "1678-07-02",
"end_start_date": "1678-01-01",
"end_end_date": "1678-12-31",
"start_date_written": null,
"end_date_written": "1678",
"status": "apprentice interpreter (Sprachknabe), imperial interpreter for eastern languages",
"references": "Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "He was originally the secretary of resident envoy Giovanni Battista Casanova, in 1673 he applied for the post of an apprentice interpreter on his recommendation. After a successful training period he was appointed as fully accredited interpreter in Győr in 1678. He regularly accompanied Ottoman envoys from Győr to Vienna, while he also translated for imperial envoys in Buda. From 1683 he took part in military campaigns as a field interpreter. Beginning with 1688, he was sent to the new borders as an interpreter in Osijek and Belgrade. After several unsuccessful petitions, he was finally transferred to Vienna in 1694 to fill the vacancy left by Heinrich Julius Wogin, and served at the Aulic War Council until his death.",
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"text": [
"id": 5108,
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"id": 17,
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"url": ""
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"label": "Dolmetscher",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"id": 19108,
"name": "Barbatus",
"review": false,
"start_date": "1570-07-02",
"start_start_date": "1570-01-01",
"start_end_date": "1570-12-31",
"end_date": "1659-07-02",
"end_start_date": "1659-01-01",
"end_end_date": "1659-12-31",
"start_date_written": "1570",
"end_date_written": "1659",
"status": "imperial interpreter for eastern languages",
"references": "Alastair HAMILTON: An Egyptian Traveller in the Republic of Letters: Josephus Barbatus or Abudacnus the Copt. In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 57 (1994), 123–150.\r\nZsuzsanna Cziráki: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
"notes": "He was born in Cairo around 1570 and was a member of the Coptic Church of Alexandria. He arrived in Rome in 1595, where he worked as an Arabic language teacher and converted to Roman Catholicism. As a teacher of eastern languages, he visited the Universities of Paris and Oxford and taught in the Netherlands. In 1618 he worked as a linguist at the Bavarian Court. He came to Vienna on the recommendation of Archduke Albert, governor of the Habsburg Netherlands, and from 1622 he was an embassy interpreter in Constantinople. From 1649 he was an eastern-language instructor at the War Council in Vienna, and from 1650 to 1653 he taught in Győr and translated, partly in Komárom. He then retired, receiving an annuity from the Aulic Chamber until his death in Vienna in 1659.",
"published": false,
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"text": [
"id": 5107,
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"collection": [
"id": 17,
"label": "QHOD",
"url": ""
"id": 18,
"label": "Dolmetscher",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"id": 19513,
"name": "Johann (Hans) Adolf",
"review": false,
"start_date": "1634-07-02",
"start_start_date": "1634-01-01",
"start_end_date": "1634-12-31",
"end_date": "1704-07-01",
"end_start_date": "1704-01-01",
"end_end_date": "1704-12-31",
"start_date_written": "1634",
"end_date_written": "1704",
"status": "",
"references": "",
"notes": "He was a member of Count Oettingen-Wallenstein's entourage to Istanbul, 1699-1700",
"published": false,
"source": null,
"text": [
"id": 5376,
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"id": 17,
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"url": ""
"url": "",
"id": 19515,
"name": "Ludwig Ferdinand",
"review": false,
"start_date": null,
"start_start_date": null,
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"end_start_date": null,
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"end_date_written": null,
"status": "",
"references": "",
"notes": "He was a member of Count Oettingen-Wallenstein's entourage in Istanbul, 1699-1700",
"published": false,
"source": null,
"text": [
"id": 5377,
"label": "ID: 5377",
"url": ""
"collection": [
"id": 17,
"label": "QHOD",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"id": 19297,
"name": "Schwegler",
"review": false,
"start_date": null,
"start_start_date": null,
"start_end_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"end_start_date": null,
"end_end_date": null,
"start_date_written": null,
"end_date_written": null,
"status": "apprentice interpreter, imperial interpreter for eastern languages",
"references": "Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024. Open Access:",
"notes": "He studied eastern languages in the class of Giovanni Battista Podestà from 1678 to 1680, and then with the internuncius Caprara in Constantinople in 1682. In 1683, he was appointed vice-interpreter in Győr (Vizedolmetscher in Raab), from 1684 he was Turkish interpreter for grand ambassador Walter Leslie. In 1686, he was assigned to the corps near the Drava as fully accredited interpreter of the Aulic War Council. In 1689, he was assigned to Kanizsa to survey the Ottoman financial records of the castle, in the last years of the Great Turkish War he served both in Vienna and at the front line.",
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"id": 5218,
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"id": 17,
"label": "QHOD",
"url": ""
"id": 18,
"label": "Dolmetscher",
"url": ""