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            "notes": "Nikola je jedini od četvero braće ostao živjeti u Vranjicu i pomagati ocu u poljoprivredi, dok su ostala braća (Stjepan, Ivan i Mate) usmjerena u škole. Možda je toj odluci pridonio i veoma vjerojatno znatan miraz njegove žene Jozice, kćeri Petra Benzona i Roze Carev, koju otac i majka spominju u svojim oporukama. Uz poslove na zemlji, Nikola pomaže oca u odvoženju, zaprežnim kolima, vode iz solinske Rike u Split, a to je u to doba bio unosan posao. Poslije je Nikola započeo poslove kopanja tupine. Kako je to utjecalo na arheološka nalazišta opisuje Duško Kečkemet: »Na Trceri su 1908. sagrađena jednako ružna i nametljiva skladišta za tupinu i pristanište za veće teretne brodove, kao i kuća za direktora toga poduzeća. (…) U tupinolomu što ga je firma Raffaela Camposa i Nikole Bulića počela kopati 1909. godine, da bi neprerađenu glinicu (tupinu, lapor) izvozila brodovima u inozemstvo, uglavnom u Italiju, kupivši polja i vinograde od Vranjičana, čak i od vranjičke župske crkve, nađeno je najviše antičkih grobova i grobnih predmeta i to uglavnom na lokalitetu kod skupine od nekoliko kuća obitelji Jurić (zvanih Ćućine kuće), (…) I nalazi na tom položaju što ga je narod – zbog ruševine crkve – nazvao Crikvine, uglavnom potječu iz ranokršćanske epohe i nose oznake tog stila. Bulić veli da su sa sjeverne strane kose nalaženi većinom poganski, a s južne kršćanski, t.j. kasniji grobovi. (…) Firma Campos-Bulić, koja je vršila kopanje lapora darovala je sve nađene predmete Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu, što je u inventarima muzeja navedeno.« Uvrštenje Nikole u niz istaknutih Bulića opravdano je i po jednoj neznatnoj vijesti koja se sačuvala među njegovim nasljednicima i doprla do praunuka Nenada Jurića, a on ju je meni ispričao. Nasljednici su govorili kako je Nikola u tupinolomu, kojemu je bio suvlasnik, doživio udarac manjega kamena u glavu i od toga je poslije umro. Potvrda je u naznaci njegove smrtne bolesti koju je u maticu upisao župnik don Josip Bervaldi: »Pyoemia chronica«. To je zapušteno nutarnje otrovanje koje najčešće nastaje od vanjskoga uzročnika. Valja, dakle, povjerovati i vijestima koje su u prvi mah skoro nevjerojatne, ali kad ih potvrdi pisani izvor, pa bilo to i neizravno, u okolnostima onodobnoga liječenja, takve vijesti bivaju vjerojatne. Poslove oko vađenja i izvoza tupine nastavili su Nikolini sinovi Ivan Petar i Marin Toma.\r\n\r\n",
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            "notes": "Industrieller, Vorsitzender der Graz-Köflacher Kohle.\r\n\r\ndeutschfreiheitlicher Landesverweser im am 20. 10. 1918 gebildeten Wohlfahrtsauschuss für Steiermark, und Wirtschaftskommissär",
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            "references": "Hungarian-Croatian nobleman remembered as the commander of the Croatian troops in the 1493 Battle of Krbava Field.",
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            "references": "István HILLER: A tolmácsper. A bécsi Haditanács és a Habsburgok tolmácsai a 17. század első felében. In: Történelmi Szemle 33 (1991), 203–214.\r\nZdravko ŠUNDRICA: Poisons and Poisoning in the Republic of Ragusa. In: Dubrovnik Annals 4 (2000), 7–79.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "In 1636, as a trained Ragusan interpreter, he entered Habsburg service as the protégé of resident envoy Sebastian Lustrier. He was placed in the midst of intense rivalry in the War Council after surviving a poisoning attempt on his life by Michel D’Asquier and Johann Rudolf Schmid in 1633. In addition to his service at the imperial Court, he worked for the Hungarian Palatine Miklós Esterházy, and from 1648 he also interpreted in Nové Zámky. From 1651 he lived in Madrid, where he was court interpreter of King Philip IV of Spain. He married there a noble Spanish woman and never returned to Ragusa. He died in Spain after 1668 (possibly in 1680).",
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            "status": "apprentice interpreter, imperial interpreter for eastern languages",
            "references": "János SZABADOS: An interpreter on a diplomatic mission to the Grand Vizier. In Fons: Source Research and Historical Studies 27 (2020), 61-95; Zsuzsanna CZIRÁKI: Language Students and Interpreters at the Mid-seventeenth-century Habsburg Embassy in Constantinople. Theatrum Historiae 19 (2016): 27–44; Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "Born around 1622, he was admitted to the apprentice interpreters in 1644, trained in Constantinople until 1651, then by Michel D´Asquier in Vienna - partly because of complaints about his behavior. In 1653 he temporarily studied in Győr with Josephus Barbatus and performed minor interpreting duties.  In 1658 he performed a minor diplomatic mission to Belgrade to the camp of the Grand Vizier, and in 1659 he was sent with the internuncius to Constantinople and to the Pasha of Buda.  In Vienna, he was not only an interpreter for the War Council, but also an inspector for the Oriental Trading Company and an escort for Ottoman and Tatar embassies.  In 1672, he unsuccessfully applied for the post of resident envoy to Constantinople.  In the Great Turkish War he served mostly in Vienna, and for shorter periods with General Caraffa in Upper Hungary and in Buda until his death in 1694.",
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            "status": "apprentice interpreter, Turkish courier",
            "references": "János SZABADOS: Habsburg-Ottoman Communication in the Mid-17th-Century – The Death of Imperial Courier Johann Dietz. A Case Study. In: Osmanli Arastilmalari / Journal of Ottoman Studies 54 (2019) 2, 119–140.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "In 1625 he began his Turkish language studies in Constantinople at the empreror’s expense, in 1627 he was mentioned as a subordinate of resident envoy Lustrier.  In 1630 he was certainly a “Turkish” courier, since then the most frequently employed and experienced courier of the War Council on the Vienna-Constantinople route.",
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            "start_date": null,
            "start_start_date": null,
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            "references": "KEREKES Dóra, „A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején”, Századok 138 (2004): 1189–1228; Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "A talented interpreter at the house of the Habsburg resident envoy at the Sublime Porte, in 1663 he undertook small independent missions on behalf of the envoy Simon Reniger. In 1666 he died of his wounds in a street brawl in Constantinople.",
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                    "url": ""
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            "references": "Link zu diesem Datensatz \t\r\nName \tCramer, Erich Ritter von\r\nBeteiligt an \t1 Publikation\r\n\r\n    Handbuch für den Eisenbahnbau-, Bahnerhaltungs- und Bahnaufsichtsdienst\r\n    Wien : Perles",
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