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            "notes": "In 1617, he came into contact with the Aulic War Council as a French-born interpreter for eastern languages in the private service of Habsburg`s Ottoman expert Cesare Gallo. He was interpreter, chief interpreter and then expert-adviser at the Viennese War Council. During his almost half a century of service, he became one of the Habsburg Monarchy’s foremost experts on the East, carrying out numerous individual diplomatic missions to Constantinople, the court of the pasha of Buda while he also participated several times in Habsburg-Ottoman peace negotiations. He was involved in the drafting of the Peace of Komárom (1618), the Peace of Gyarmat (1625), the First and Second Peace of Szőny (1627, 1641), and the Peace of Istanbul (1649/1650).  He died and was buried in Vienna in 1665.",
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            "notes": "In 1691, he applies for the position of interpreter vacated by the death of Pantaleone Cleronome, but Mammucca della Torre, who criticizes his application, recommends his protégé instead. Nevertheless, he was given translating duties in the War Council.  In 1692, at the request of the Dutch ambassador, he accompanied him to the Ottoman Empire.  In 1697, he is examined by the chief interpreter Meninsky, who recommends him for another interpreting post with the Saxon corps and later with the Transylvanian corps in the Great Ottoman War.  In 1698 he unsuccessfully applied for the position of the resident envoy in Constantinople, but at his own request he was allowed to participate in the Habsburg-Ottoman peace negotiations. In 1699, he joined the frontier commission alongside Fernando Marsigli, but in the same year he joined the escort of the Ottoman embassy to Vienna. He was resident envoy in Constantinople for two periods, and took part in the peace negotiations in Požarevac.",
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