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            "notes": "Being of Greek origin from Pera, he was one of the first sixteenth-century Habsburg interpreters trained in the house of the resident envoy at the Sublime Porte. He served as an interpreter for the Habsburg permanent embassy, except during the Long Turkish War, although he did not leave Constantinople during the conflict. He was involved in the drafting of the Treaty of Edirne in 1568 and in the exchange of the first copies of the Peace of Zsitvatorok in 1608.",
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            "notes": "As son of the highly esteemed interpreter in Constantinople Mathia del Farro, was admitted to the imperial court in Vienna, where he lived as a quasi-interpreter known as one of poor ability.",
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            "references": "Dóra KEREKES: A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején. In: Századok 138 (2004), 1189–1228.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században",
            "notes": "As an interpreter of Syrian Arab origin working for Habsburg`s Oriental Trading Company, he applied for a job as an imperial interpreter  on the recommendation of the War Council in 1673, but due to the lack of vacancies he was only given minor assignments until 1678. In the same year, he interpreted with Heinrich Julius Wogin in internuntius Franz Peter Hoffmann’s delegation in Constantinople.  Until his death in 1681, he worked mainly at the War Council office in Vienna – where he also taught at Giovanni Battista Podestà’s seminars on eastern languages – and temporarily served in Constantinople with the resident.",
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            "references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÁKI: Language Students and Interpreters at the Mid-seventeenth-century Habsburg Embassy in Constantinople. In: Theatrum Historiae 19 (2016), 27–44.\r\nZsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "As a Syrian-born interpreter originating from Aleppo, he worked for the War Council of Inner Austria in Graz between 1646 and 1648. In 1649, he joined Johann Rudolf Schmid’s embassy to Constantinople as an interpreter, where he renounced his imperial service and converted to Islam.",
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            "notes": "As a fully qualified Ragusan interpreter, he applied for an appointment to the staff of resident envoy Georg Christoph Kunitz in Constantinople. According to the envoy’s description, he was well prepared, and spoke Turkish, Persian, Arabic and Russian (Slavic language).",
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            "notes": "After completing his studies in Padua and Constantinople, the talented young man of Greek origin was hired as an interpreter for the Habsburgs’ delegation in Constantinople in 1645. After the death of resident envoy Alexander Greiffenklau, he headed the embassy as interim agent until the arrival of the new resident, Simon Reniger. From the end of the 1660s, he also interpreted for the Porte, and was the first of the Phanariots to be appointed chief interpreter at the Sublime Porte. At the turn of the 1660s, he gained considerable influence in the circles of the sultan and the grand vizier, while also performing important services for the Habsburgs.  He died of a stroke in 1673.",
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            "notes": "After a training period at Giovanni Battista Podestà’s seminar for eastern languages, he became apprentice interpreter at the Viennese War Council in 1693. In 1699 he spent a short time in the border commission of Fernando Marsigli, before being sent to study languages in Constantinople with Count Oetting’s embassy. In 1700, he applied for the title of interpreter on the recommendation of Marsigli, but was not appointed until 1703. He served with the resident at the Sublime Porte until his death in early 1708.",
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