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            "notes": "Employed largely unofficially by resident envoy Michael Starzer since 1611, he was appointed to the position of interpreter of the Habsburg embassy in Constantinople in 1613. In the absence of a fully accredited resident envoy, he performed quasi ambassadorial service as interim agent from 1621 to 1625. He shared his duties between Constantinople, Prague and Vienna, carrying out numerous diplomatic missions, mainly to Buda, including accompanying the Ottoman envoys to the Imperial Diet of Linz in 1614.  He interpreted at the peace treaties of Gyarmat, the first and second treaties of Szőny.  In 1634 he was chosen to lead the imperial embassy to the Tatar Khan, which was finally cancelled.  He worked as imperial interpreter until his death.",
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            "notes": "First-born son of the interpreter Marcantonio Mammucca della Torre, his godfather was Emperor Leopold I.  As a young child, he was made an apprentice interpreter by his father in 1684, and two years later he recieved already the title of an interpreter.  Between 1701 and 1703, while retaining his position as interpreter, he was appointed resident envoy at the Porte, and in 1708 he was transferred to Petrovaradin in place of the deceased Wolfgang Zacharias Cantig.",
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            "notes": "FML. Johann Franz Freiherr Kempen v. Fichtenstamm, Chef der Obersten Polizeibehörde, wurde mit Handschreiben v. 20.03.1857 zum ständigen Mitglied der Ministerkonferenz ernannt, HHSTA., Kab. Kanzlei, MCZ. 933/1857; siehe dazu RUMPLER, ÖMR. Einleitungsband 49 f.; OBERHUMMER, Die Wiener Polizei 255; MAYR, Tagebuch Kempens 424 (Eintragung v. 20.03.1857).; Zur Teilnahme des Chefs der Obersten Polizeibehörde ebd., Anm. 02.",
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            "references": "Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "From 1665 he was a pupil of Franz Mesgnien von Meninsky, and from 1668 he received also minor translating tasks.   In 1670 he is mentioned as an interpreter in the Feldkriegskanzlei, while he is also a scribe (Hofkriegsrat-Konzipist) in the War Council.    He is consciously trained in oriental languages as well as in Ottoman diplomacy both in Vienna and Constantinople. In 1678 he was appointed resident envoy to the Sublime Porte, although his death thwarts the mission.",
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