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            "notes": "Hermann Czernin hired him temporarily as interpreter for his mission to the Sublime Porte in 1616-1617, he was contracted in Constantinople.",
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            "notes": "An oriental language interpreter of Venetian origin, he was hired through the intervention of the Habsburg envoy to Venice (Count Portia) following the resignation of Vincenzo Bratutti.  Due to his lack of knowledge and his personal conflicts, he soon left the service and went to the Polish royal court.",
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            "notes": "Son of Johann Friedrich Vischer, secretary of the War Council and Helena Fellner von Feldegg, brother of Franz Heinrich Vischer. As a protégé of his stepfather, Johann Rudolf Schmid, he was brought to the house of the Habsburg resident envoy at the Sublime Porte in 1655, where he learned Turkish and the basics of Ottoman diplomacy. He aspired to the title of resident, but died before his training can be completed.",
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            "references": "SZABADOS János, „Michael Talman konstantinápolyi Habsburg rezidens két jelentése az Udvari Haditanács részére (1705. július 25. és augusztus 13.)”, Fons: Forráskutatás és Történeti Segédtudományok 20 (2013): 385–419; KEREKES Dóra, „A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején”, Századok 138 (2004): 1189–1228.",
            "notes": "In 1691, he applies for the position of interpreter vacated by the death of Pantaleone Cleronome, but Mammucca della Torre, who criticizes his application, recommends his protégé instead. Nevertheless, he was given translating duties in the War Council.  In 1692, at the request of the Dutch ambassador, he accompanied him to the Ottoman Empire.  In 1697, he is examined by the chief interpreter Meninsky, who recommends him for another interpreting post with the Saxon corps and later with the Transylvanian corps in the Great Ottoman War.  In 1698 he unsuccessfully applied for the position of the resident envoy in Constantinople, but at his own request he was allowed to participate in the Habsburg-Ottoman peace negotiations. In 1699, he joined the frontier commission alongside Fernando Marsigli, but in the same year he joined the escort of the Ottoman embassy to Vienna. He was resident envoy in Constantinople for two periods, and took part in the peace negotiations in Požarevac.",
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            "references": "KEREKES Dóra, „A császári tolmácsok a magyarországi visszafoglaló háborúk idején”, Századok 138 (2004): 1189–1228; Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "A talented interpreter at the house of the Habsburg resident envoy at the Sublime Porte, in 1663 he undertook small independent missions on behalf of the envoy Simon Reniger. In 1666 he died of his wounds in a street brawl in Constantinople.",
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            "references": "János SZABADOS: An interpreter on a diplomatic mission to the Grand Vizier. In Fons: Source Research and Historical Studies 27 (2020), 61-95; Zsuzsanna CZIRÁKI: Language Students and Interpreters at the Mid-seventeenth-century Habsburg Embassy in Constantinople. Theatrum Historiae 19 (2016): 27–44; Zsuzsanna CZIRÀKI: A Habsburg Monarchia keleti nyelvi tolmácsai a 17. században, Reciti - Budapest, 2024.",
            "notes": "Born around 1622, he was admitted to the apprentice interpreters in 1644, trained in Constantinople until 1651, then by Michel D´Asquier in Vienna - partly because of complaints about his behavior. In 1653 he temporarily studied in Győr with Josephus Barbatus and performed minor interpreting duties.  In 1658 he performed a minor diplomatic mission to Belgrade to the camp of the Grand Vizier, and in 1659 he was sent with the internuncius to Constantinople and to the Pasha of Buda.  In Vienna, he was not only an interpreter for the War Council, but also an inspector for the Oriental Trading Company and an escort for Ottoman and Tatar embassies.  In 1672, he unsuccessfully applied for the post of resident envoy to Constantinople.  In the Great Turkish War he served mostly in Vienna, and for shorter periods with General Caraffa in Upper Hungary and in Buda until his death in 1694.",
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            "notes": "A relative of Marcantonio Mammucca della Torre, who recommended Wolde for the post of interpreter. In 1694 he interpreted in the front zone during the Great Ottoman War, and in 1695 he replaced Johann Heinrich Boringer as interpreter in Osijek and Petrovaradin.  In 1699, he was sent first to interpret along the Mureş, then to replace Michael Tallman on the border commission of Fernando Marsigli. Finally, he became an interpreter on the southern border of the monarchy.",
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            "notes": "Born around 1627, he was an apprentice interpreter in Constantinople from 1644. In 1651, he applied for a post as interpreter, but failed Michel D´Asquier's examination.  In 1653, he was appointed fully accredited interpreter in Győr replacing Josephus Barbatus, and in 1656 he was appointed an ensign in the same fortress.  He was regularly entrusted with escorting Ottoman embassies between Vienna and the Hungarian border, but also performed missions to the court of the Pasha of Buda as an interpreter and ensign until his death.",
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            "notes": "In 1665, he was accepted as an apprentice, travelling with ambassador Walter Leslie to the Sublime Porte. On his return to Vienna, dissatisfied with his education, he asked to be sent back to Constantinople, but in vain, and finally resigned.",
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